Central region of cuba one day tour


Cienfuegos, Trinidad y Santa Clara

From Varadero

Approximate duration: Around 14 hours.

Tour through three of the most impressive cities in the south-central part of Cuba.

Pick up time at the hotel at 07:30. Transfer by bus. Tour through three of the main cities in the south-central part of the island, one of them is Cienfuegos known as the “Pearl of the South” founded by the French during the 18th century.

Trinidad is one of the first Villas founded by the Spanish during the colonization; the best conserved of all and declared a World Heritage Site.

Santa Clara is where the Che Guevara Memorial was built holding the remains of the legendary guerrilla commander.

Stop at the city of Cienfuegos. Visit places like: Valle Palace, the historic center and the Prado Promenade.

You can walk through the historic center of Trinidad, visit the Romantic Museum and the “La Canchánchara”. Lunch in a local restaurant. Towards the end of the tour, visit the arts and crafts fair and time for shopping.

On your way to Varadero enter the city of Santa Clara and visit the Che Guevara Memorial and the historic section of the city.

Return to the hotel in Varadero at 20:00.

Jose Marti Park, Cienfuegos

jose marti park cienfuegos

La Canchánchara, Trinidad

La Canchánchara, Trinidad Cuba

Destinations Cuba